
Vegetable Gardening - the 6 essentials 

Featuring my USDA Zone 5 Grow Guide!…

basket of tomatoes

12 tips for perfect tomatoes

You can grow perfect tomatoes with a few easy…

Hope for the Vegetable Garden Procrastinator

It was March then April and visions of a…

flower gardening

Gardening safety: 10 must knows

Gardening safety? It seems like gardening is…

Ruby throated hummingbird

Attract more hummingbirds

Hummingbird facts Hummingbirds are such a treat…

When should I apply this or that? Ask the plants!

What’s perhaps the #1 question I get each…


Legends of a mid-May frost

Frost in May? No way! Yes way, I'm sorry to…

Poinsettia: history & keys to success

The most common questions I get every holiday…